The private jet card deposit account allows you to purchase private jet charters, hotels and even first-class tickets at the best market rate when booking. You are also able to use a corporate jet or aircraft that is out of market or away from their base of operation.

Empyrean Hourly Account benefits
Fixed rate: A fixed hourly price on six categories of aircraft within your service area.
Set trip profiles: Your private jet membership has fixed hourly rates for one-way and same-day return trips, and an hourly rate for touring trips of a longer duration.
Readily available aircraft: Guaranteed availability on your primary aircraft category within the agreed notice period.
No interchange fees: The balance on your private jet card can be used on any aircraft category without an additional private jet cost.

Reasonable cancellation terms: No cost is incurred if you cancel before 9am CET the day before your private jet charter.
No positioning costs: Jet share terms means you pay only for occupied time on your chosen category of aircraft.
Fly globally: When flying outside your service area, you can purchase bespoke private jet charter solutions worldwide.
Flexible payment options: Private jet membership allows you to pre-pay for total hours purchased or place a security deposit in an account to pay on a flight-by-flight basis.
Empyrean Hourly Account commitment
Minimum commitments: Flexible initial commitment levels.
Earn rewards: Increase commitment to gain more benefits such as lower hourly rates.
Subject to the Empyrean agreement.