An Empyrean Capped Hourly Account is cleaner and fairer than many jet cards for sale. When you charter a private jet you have guaranteed availability within a certain notice period, anywhere in the world, with no penalties for flying outside of your service area.

Empyrean Capped Hourly Account benefits
Capped hourly price: A maximum hourly price on six categories of aircraft within your service area.
Zero positioning costs: Your jet share terms mean you pay only for occupied time on your chosen aircraft category.
Retained savings: Empyrean capped private jet membership delivers 100% savings on trips purchased below the capped hourly rate.
Readily available aircraft: Guaranteed aircraft availability within the agreed notice period.

No hidden costs: Clear simple private jet costings with no sign-up costs or hidden extras.
No expiry date: Unlike other jet cards for sale on the market, there is no time in which you must use your funds.
Fly anywhere in the world: Purchase bespoke private jet charter solutions outside your service area anywhere in the world.
No interchange fees: Your jet card balance can be used against purchase of hours on any aircraft category without additional interchange fees.
Empyrean Capped Hourly Account commitment
Minimum commitments: A non-refundable minimum deposit of 25 hours.
Tailored capped hourly rates: Calculated based on your destinations and specific flying characteristics.